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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 5

We have had a busy week in Year 5 during our Geography week. We started our Monday focusing on our fieldwork skills, drawing birds eye view maps of the school and the completing observational drawing at Gadebridge park, after we had found our way with a birds eye digital map. For the rest of the week, our main focus was volcanoes. We looked at 'Escape from Pompeii' in English which the children were fasinated by and loved learning more about the History of Pompeii. In the afternoons, we created our own Earth that was made out of different coloured layers of cloud dough. We also created our down volcanoes, thinking about the different parts of a volcano, that then erupted!

Animal Show and Tell

We had the treat of experiancing lots of different animals, thanks to one of the parents in the school. We held a snake, a giant millipede, a bearded dragon and many more! The children were far braver than Miss Cooper and Miss Smith. Did you know that millipede was the firstr creature to crawl out of the ocean and breath oxygen? Also, an adult millipede can have over 200 legs?! 

Mini Olympics

We were lucky enough to participate in our own mini olympics (which works perfectly with our History topic of the Ancient Greeks). The children played different ball games and were involved in lots of interesting relay races, where they had to hop, skip and bunny hop the finish line.

For the past few weeks, we have been looking at the book 'The London Eye Mystery'. The children have loved the mystery and suspense that has been involved in the reading of this book and have started to write their own stories based on this theme. We started our learning with our very own George Street mystery, where Miss Hopgood went missing, interviewing Mrs Hughes to find out more.

This term the children have been working on making their own cam toys. We have linked this to of space topic of the solar system and we are currently testing our prototype before attempting to make a solar system. We are focusing on one planet for now.

Geography Assembly

The Year 5 show cased their ideas to Years 3, 4 and 6, explaining the new food bins we will be having in our classrooms and how the food recycling system with work. The children had lots of fantastic question about climate change for the Year 5s and were excited to start on their journey to becoming a more eco-friend school.


Year 5 have been learning about Climate Change in Geography this term. They have been very passionate about what is happening on their planet and decided that we needed to make a change! They wrote letters to Mrs Hughes about what we should do as a school and that they wanted to put a food recycling system in place, asking her for the funding to do this. The children have been given the means to follow through and are going to do an assembly to KS2 about what they are planning.

Basketball Workshop

Year 5 had a fantastic morning with coach Mark, learning all the skills they need to become professional basketball players. 

In Maths we have spent the past few weeks looking at fraction, percentages and decimals. All of year 5 have perserved with this, working hard to convert them and find percentages of amounts. To end this area of learning the children has an active Maths lesson, where they had to run and find their matching fraction, decimal or percentage.

For the past few week, we have been reading the book 'Kensuke's kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. The children have really enjoyed the adventure side of this story and have created some fantastic piece of writing from our stimulus. Here are some letters that the Year 5s wrote, wanting to share their story.

Art Week

During Art week, we were looking at the creation of Greek Vases as this will be our History topic after the half term. We designed (using historical inspiration); moulded and painted our vases. We all worked extremely hard, enjoying each part of the process.

Year 5 have has a fantastic start to the Summer Term, especially in Music with their tenor horn lessons.

During Science Week Year 5 were testing different types of forces. We created our own parachute that had to keep an egg from breaking (to test air resistance and gravity); tested buoyancy by creating our own tin boats and seeing how much it could hold and created our own pully mechanism.

This week the children have gone back in time to the land of Ancient Egypt. We started our journey by breaking our way through Tutankhamun's curst pyramid, with us having to decipher different secret messages in hieroglyphics in order to break the code and escape safely. We then looked in more detail at how the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were mummified; testing out newly learnt knowledge on a banana. From this, we made our very own papyrus paper, which we attempted to to weave in the same fashion as the Ancient Egyptians. We ended our week by writing a set of instructions on the process of mummification on our papyrus paper.

Steel Drums

The children, including Miss Cooper and Mrs Smith, had the most wonderful time on the steel drums. It really brought our previous learning of Trinidad (from our English book 'Coming to England') alive. They loved guessing the different songs played to them and even more so, having a go themselves. We definitely have some budding musicians in Year 5.

Meet the teacher

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In Science we have been learning about materials and their properties; using scientific vocabulary such as opaque, translucent and transparent. At first we organised different materials by their properties thinking about how we could test their transparency or how waterproof they are. Following this, we organised how we would run a fair test.


In Maths we have been looking at place value, comparing numbers and ordering numbers; playing lots of different games to consolidate our learning. The children have enjoyed working with large numbers and have shown an enthusiasm for their learning.


In English we have been focusing our learning on the book 'Coming to England'. We have been researching about Trinadad and even tasted some plantain, which had mixed reviews. The book has shocked many of the children and made them feel passionate about universal equality and discrimination. We are currently researching the 'Windrush Generation'; from this we will be writing a newspaper article.