Parents' Voice
Parent Voice is a forum for parents and carers to provide their views and help improve the life of the school.
The principles behind Parent Voice are straightforward:
To create stronger links between parents and the school
To consult parents with decisions that affect the school and children
To help parents communicate any views, concerns and ideas with the school
Who can come along?
We aim to have one parent/carer from every year group attending each meeting so that the forum represents all ages at the school, however meetings are open to all. School staff or governors are available to attend as required in order to help with any discussions.
If you are interested in being a rep for your child's class please come into the office and let them know.
What does Parent Voice discuss?
Anything and everything that’s important to parents/ carers or the school! Topics can range from home learning, uniform policy, parent communication or anything else. Minutes from the meetings are circulated to the relevant parties and issues considered as part of our continual improvement of the school.
When do they meet?
Parent Voice aims to meet at the school at least termly. Meeting dates can be found on the school calendar.