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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 2

Welcome to year two!

On this page you will see updates about what year two have been getting up to. 

This week we made our very own microhabitats in science.

Whipsnade zoo:


Healthy wraps:


Year two become chefs this week and made our very own healthy wraps. We considered what it meant to be healthy and have a balanced diet. We then got to test which cooking tools worked best with different foods. From this we came to an agreement that cheese was best grated and carrots needed to be peeled. 


The next day began with a an exciting taste testing session. The children tried vegan pepperoni, mature cheddar, plant based cheese and many more ingredients. This was a really important step as it gave us an idea of what ingredients we were going to use. 


After making a carefully thought out plan, we made our wraps. The best part of the week was definitely getting to eat the wraps!

World book day

Human and physical features in Geography

Science week


Year two have become scientists this week and we have carried out a variety of different investigations. We started the week off by finding out whether the tallest people ran the fastest. We got into groups of three and had races on the playground. Following on from this we recorded our results on a graph.


On Wednesday we investigated what type of paper made the best boat/raft. As a class we had a discussion about our different predictions and what we would need to carry out the investigation. We each made our own boats and then carried out the experiment. 


Thursday was really exciting as we made our own sand timers. We had to estimate how much sand would be needed to last minute. We then kept adjusting the amount of sand to measure a minute. Once we had made our very own sand timers, we compared different timers in the class. We discussed what we noticed and how the size of the bottle impacted the amount of sand needed.


To complete our science week, we created a presentation of our findings to share with year one. We got to find out how their experiments differed to ours.  


Art week

For art week, we used recycled materials to create a sculpture. Over the course of the week we investigated the ways we could create different shapes and textures. We looked at the artwork of El Anatsui and we were amazed by the way he used bottle lids to create art. This inspired us to use a variety of recycled materials to create a playground sculpture. The children worked really hard and made some very creative playgrounds.

Feel good week:

We have had the best feel good week. The week started of with a stomp workshop where we had to make our own music without instruments. On Tuesday the children had a great time taking part in a scootering workshop. Towards the end of the week we took a trip to forest school. We used the materials around us to build faces that showed a variety of different emotions. Finally we had a think about the importance of recycling which leads us nicely into art week...