Welcome to the F1 class page!
The children have developed a love for exploring their learning environment, below are some great examples of how their learning is coming alive in Nursery.
Summer Term
F1 Newsletter-Summer 2021
Geography week
For geography week we have been building our explorative and investigative skills. We explored the natural environment to discover the different colours and natural materials, and then sorted them into colour groups, working as a group. The children visited the sensory garden and used their senses to feel and smell the herbs and lavender. They noticed that the sage was "soft" and the mint smelt "toothpastey." Below are some other pictures showing the Geography Week activities we have engaged in.
We were very lucky and had some animals come to see us. We were able to stroke and hold a variety of different animals, including a tortoise, stick insect, giant millipede, bearded dragon and a corn snake.
The nursery children were very caring to the animals. They were gentle and they stayed quiet so that they didn't scare them. The children were very brave as they held and stroked the animals.
Ultimate Frisbee!
F1 participated in ultimate frisbee. They really enjoyed practicing how to throw a frisbee and they all really persevered, trying to throw the frisbee far!
Last term we learnt all about patterns. We looked at animal patterns and began to draw using a pattern, such as stripes or spots. We created repeating patterns using objects, such as gems and shells.
During Summer term one, we have been consolidating our learning about pattern by creating our own repeating patterns within adult led activities and adult initiated activities!
We explored how ladybirds have spots on their bodies and began to count the spots. We looked at how some groups of spots were the same and some were different. We also created our bee's during Art Week. We used what we had learnt about repeating patterns to help us paint the stripes on our bee.
Art Week!
We have used a variety of resources and media to create a bee, following our mini-beast theme. We used paper, feathers, googly eyes, paints and cardboard. We thought about which sticking materials we needed to create our bee and we chose which material to use for the wings, such as feathers or paper. Some of us chose to create our bee stripes using coloured tape instead of paint. We learnt about how bee's live together in hives and that there is one queen bee, and lots of worker bee's.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Eric Carle
We started Summer Term by focusing on our core story book; The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
The children have enjoyed reading along with the book by using the repetitive refrains and counting the many pieces of fruit eaten by the hungry caterpillar.
We are currently observing our very own caterpillars in the classroom, which are growing bigger each day. The children are enjoying observing the changing caterpillars and are excited to witness to next stage in the life cycle as they transform themselves into butterflies.
The Great Outdoors - Mini beasts
This half term we are exploring mini beasts in The Great Outdoors.
The children are enjoying finding the mini beasts in Forest School. They have been using spades to dig in the mud and hunt for mini beasts, so far we have discovered centipedes, woodlice, snails, millipedes and lots of worms!
In maths we have been comparing groups of lady bird spots, comparing if the groups are the same or different and counting the total amount of spots altogether.
The key vocabulary in these activities have been: same, different, altogether, compare and total.
The children have then created their very own ladybirds, painting their own groups of spots.
Welcome back for Summer Term
The children have returned to school full of energy and enthusiasm for learning.
They have engaged in Child Initiated Learning activities throughout the indoor and outdoor learning environment.
They have particularly enjoyed creating their own imaginative stories using the story stones; they have used the stones to create characters and settings for their stories, and built a beginning, middle and ending for their story.
The children have engaged in imaginative small world play, explored colour mixing whilst painting pictures and have been creatively mixing potions and perfumes in the mud kitchen.
The children have continued to engage in Forest School activities on a Friday morning. They have been using tools to dig and rake, bird watching using the binoculars and they have been using their upper body strength to climb across the logs and up onto the tyre swing.
Spring term
Child initiated learning during the spring term
Science Week
F1 have been exploring magnetism during Science Week.
We explored how magnets attract by pulling magnetic objects to them. We investigated how some objects are magnetic and some are not, and sorted a range of objects into magnetic and non-magnetic groups.
The children enthusiastically followed this investigation during their Child Initiated Learning time and explored the many areas of the classroom, searching for magnetism.
Our key vocabulary in Science Week was: Stick, Push, Pull, Attract, Magnet, Magnetic
Autumn Term
History Week
F1 explored how they have grown into the children they are today.
We explored how everyone begins life as a baby and that they continue to grow into children, and then adults.
The children brought in their very own baby pictures and we discussed how they have changed.
"Babies are small".
"I had milk when I was at home and then I started nursery".
"I slept in my bed and had my dummy".
"I grow into a big girl".
"Baby sleep".
The children used their baby pictures to help them create 'playdough babies' of themselves and played with the dolls in Child Initiated Learning, they even gave the babies a bath!
"I made a dummy for when I was little".
"That's mummy when she was a baby".

Child Initiated Learning throughout our learning environments.
Steel drums
As part of Black History Month, the children were given the opportunity to listen to Caribbean Steel Band music and then have their own turn using the Steel Band drums.
The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and excitedly created their own Steel Band music when they were back in the classroom!
Steel Band Drums
Forest School activities
This term we have begun to explore our wooded area on the school field.
We have been participating within a range of Forest School activities every Friday morning.
The children are gaining independence by changing into their wellies, dressing themselves in their coats and exploring their outside environment.
Below are some great pictures that show some of our activities so far.
Forest School activities
The children have settled amazingly well into their new class. They are starting to build friendships with their peers and they are actively participating within the daily routines.