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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 4

Children's Mental Health Week


As part of Children's Mental Health Week the class have taken part in discussions about why it is important to look after both our physical health and our mental health. In Year 4 we have reflected on what we feel positive about ourselves creating 'Things I Like About Me' self portraits. 

'ArtBot' Extravaganza!


In Year 4 we have kicked off the term in style creating our very own dancing, and drawing ArtBots. The children in pairs designed then carefully constructed their ArtBots developing their team working and problem solving skills. Have a browse through their wonderful creations in the photos below. 



Please see our Spring Newsletter below, outlining the exciting learning we will be completing over the term.