Year 3
GEOGRAPHY WEEK - 27.06-1.07.22
During geography week, we have have used the skill of observation to observe our local area. We have learned how to read and create maps and symbols from our trip down to Highfield Park in St Albans where we practiced our skills of orienteering and our trip down to Gadebridge Park where we observed the human features that make up our local park. We enjoyed the week and learned many new skills.
In Art, we have been learning about the art style of Andy Warhol. He used different images and colour to create different effects of the same still image over and over again. This was the dawn of pop art where he wanted to share that art was for everyone not just a select few. We tried out hand at creating our own pop art with coloured paper and fun outlines.
This term, we have been using our Teach Active Maths to learn maths in a more active and fun way. This time we learned how to 'stop time' by sorting the am amd pm cards correctly onto our mats and shouting out...We stopped time!
This term in R.E, we have learning about the Holy books and how special they are. We have been learning that these books are a source of wisdom for each religious group. We spent some time having a look at the Quran and Torah in our groups, then we made our own mini Hebrew script and wrote our names inside in Hebrew.
Welcome back everyone, I hope that you all had a restful holiday! This term, we will be making the most of the wonderful weather as we all look forward to a successful Summer term.
Art Week
During this week, the children have started and ended each day with a mindful activity, learning how to grow our mindsets and develop a healthy self. We learned about the work of Henry Moore and Brad Spencer. We looked at their style of art, namely sculpting and had a go at creating our own practice piece to practice the techniques of clay moulding.
This half term, year 3 have been learning body percussion. We have learned in music, beats are used as a way of counting time when constructing a piece of music. We have been using a series, of taps, claps and clicks to create our own body percussion in groups using beats of 7.
year 3 Newsletter - Spring 2022
Year 3 Newsletter - Autumn 2021
Today, year 3 went to Laurette Academy to participate in the year 3 target games. We played games like Archery and golf where we learned the skill of aiming and precision. We were very accurate at bean bag throwing and scored loads of points. It was such an enjoyable morning.
In History, we have been looking at Prehistory and how Britain has changed over time. We rocked through the ages by looking at life from the Stone Age through to Iron Age and how life in Britain evolved and why. During History week, we looked at slavery in Britain and how hard Britain has worked to abolish slavery. We looked at how this has brought many different cultures to our wonderful country. We looked briefly at how the slaves in America made beautiful quilts of symbols to help guide their people like a map when they had to escape from their masters. We then made our class freedom quilt as our pledge to never again allow slavery in our country
Anti Bully Week
During Anti Bully week, Year 3 read the book. 'How to be a lion'. It is a wonderful book which teaches us that people do not need to be the same or even similar to be good friends. We also learned how important it is to stick up for our friends by standing up to bullying. We do not need to shout or be unkind but can be brave by speaking out when something does not feel right. We discussed the book then created a beautiful poster to show others how to be a good friend.
On Friday, the 8th of October, we all went to the cross country at Longdean Secondary School. We all did very well and ran our best. Some of us got a good place and got some points for our school. It was such a fun day!
On Tuesday 7th September, an ex-professional rugby player and South African expat, named George Fouche, came to speak to us about his life and his experiences. Miss van was very excited to see another South African. George encouraged us to be resilient and never give up no matter how hard it may seem. After this we completed a workshop where we had to build structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows. It was so much fun being part of a team.
We have been working very hard this term at practising our spellings and finding clever rhymes to remember which grapheme makes the correct phoneme.
When two vowels go walking the first does the talking.
Paul Lyalls
Today we had a lovely visit from the poet Pauls Lyalls. He shared some of his own work and then helped us to create our own in groups. We learned about using words to bring colour and movement into our poems.