Adult Led Learning
Science day - We watched Miss Achilleos mix warm water, fairy liquid, hydrogen peroxide and yeast together to make a special potion that bubbled up out of the bottle. We observed that it looked like a snowman! We had a go at making our own potions during our group times.

BOB day

We focused on the story "Oliver's Vegetables"

We learnt all about Diwali, the festival of lights.

Miss Achilleos made an Autumn sensory bottle. She added water and oil. The oil made bubbles and floated to the top. She added food colouring to turn the water orange like the leaves in Autumn. She added glitter to make it sparkly. She finally added Autumn objects such as leaves, conkers and pine cones. We can see all the objects floating in the liquid.

Look at the document below to try and make a sensory bottle yourselves at home!
We have been exploring the season of Autumn this term.

We were exploring the "Starry Night" painting during Art week.

We have been practising using equipment in PE.

We traffic surveyed two roads to compare which was the busiest.

We went car spotting on the field. What colours can we see? We tallied the results in a table. We saw mostly black and blue cars. We didn't see any pink or orange cars.