Year 3
In Science children are learning about different types of food and nutrients humans need to be healthy.
In English children have been learning how to write news reports. As a stimulus for writing they played a match of dodgeball game and successfully reported the outcome of the game. The other opportunity for writing was a “crime” that children had to investigate and report. They identified that the Iron Man has broken into year 3 classroom and left footprints and pieces of chewed metal objects in the reading corner.
English news report writing fun
In Spring Term Year 3 children became artists creating clay models of Hemel Hempstead Old Town buildings. This theme has been linked to our local history of Hemel Hempstead. Children have learnt about changes over the time and where they can be seen. One of the greatest sources of history of out town is the Old Town. As a progression in their artistic skills, children first designed their favourite houses by drawings them. Then they used clay as media to replicate the building of their choice. As mini clay models has dried, children decorated them by painting. The effort, hard work and creativity has been paid and children created absolutely brilliant models. All young artists of Year 3 can be proud of their work!
Creating mini clay building models
Y3 Newsletter- Summer 2021
Welcome to the Year 3 class page!
It has been wonderful to meet all the children and see them healthy and enthusiastic to be back to school. The last 2 weeks have been very busy with learning, introducing routine and settling down.
In Maths children have been revising place value, addition and subtraction using “think 10” and regrouping strategies.
In English we have been reading “Coming to England” by Floella Benjamin. Children learnt about life and customs in Trinidad in 1960s and researched facts about Trinidad.
In Science children continue learning about plants and extended their knowledge about function of parts of flowering plants. In History we started a new topic and children learnt what the difference between history and pre-history is. In Art children were introduced to the art of French artist Henry Matisse.