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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 3

Spring Term

Spring term has been so exciting so far and we have been extremely busy with all  our hard work. We have been doing many experiments and hands on learning in Science and extending our scientific language. We have looked at magnetism and how a force can change a movement through a push or a pull. We have looked at the effects of friction created on different surfaces. We have now begun to look at light asking our own scientific questions and answering them through our experiments. In Maths, we have been learning all about fractions and how to work out the fraction of an amount. We have been working hard on embedding our times tables and seeing how rapid recall can really help us when solving fraction word problems. We have also shown our artistic ability through our art week.  We built our resilience as it was not always easy to draw still life flowers. In DT we have begun to look at soup and will be doing some taste testing before choosing our own ingredients and making our own soup....yum yum!

Welcome to Year 3 for 2022


Welcome to year 3. We are the start of Key stage 2 where lots of exciting changes take place.  In our classroom, we have Mrs van Schalkwyk(van), our teacher and Mrs Spicer and Ms Powers(Ta's) who support our learning. We recently welcomed Ms Burrells to our classroom. We are will be doing loads of exciting learning this year and I invite you to follow our journey through the year. This half term, we have been doing the exciting book, 'Africa, amazing Africa'. We cant wait to share our work with you.

Here are the key dates for this term:

Thursday 1st September - Return to school

Monday 5th September - Meet the teacher at 8:45am

Monday 17th October - Friday 21st October - History Week

Wednesday 19th October - Parent's Evening (4.30pm - 8.00pm)

Thursday 20th October - Parent's Evening (3.40pm - 6.00pm)

Friday 21st October - Finish for half term


Monday 31st October - INSET Day (school closed to pupils)

Tuesday 1st November - Return to school 

Tuesday 1st November - Celtic Harmony History Trip

Wednesday 2nd November - Harvest Festival

Thursday 17th November - Flu spray

Friday 18th November - Children in Need

Friday 2nd December - Occasional Day (school closed)

Wednesday 14th December - Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day

Wednesday 14th December - Carol concert at St. Mary's Church - 6.00pm

Tuesday 20th December - Last day of autumn term - finish at 2.00pm




We have been learning about place value of 3 digit numbers using our equipment and games.

Linked to our first FEP on Africa, we created a landscape using our artist of week., John Constable as inspiration. 



On Tuesday, 1.11.22, we travelled back in time to the prehistory age and enjoyed a History trip to Celtic Harmony. The morning began with a trading game in which we learned to barter for the most valuable items a stone-age person might have needed. This taught us about profit and loss. We got to trade our gold coins for some stone-age items from the shop. After this, we enjoyed life in a round house. We heard stories about the time and got to ask questions while seated around our very own fire. From here, we were shown how the round houses were made and heard how all the animal fences and pens were hand woven with reed. We had to work in pairs to build up our own reed wall to keep the goats in. Next, we made our own round clay pots, learning the purpose of its shape for use of an open fire. We soon realised what hard work this was to make one pot.  After a picnic for lunch, we went into the forest where we had the opportunity to practice grinding our own flour using a grinding stone, such hard work! We had to grind and collect up enough flour which we had to then sieve to make our own dough. We learned that grinding flour was the job of the children and could take all day to get enough flour for one small bread! In the afternoon, we enjoyed looking at how flint is turned into sharp tools and hand axes. We learned what each real life tool was used for whilst having a look and feel of the tools. We then used this knowledge to craft our own soap flint arrow head. It was an absolutely incredible experience travelling back in time