Welcome to the F2 class page
Here's what we have been learning recently...
We were lucky enough to watch the life cycle of a butterfly first hand! We saw our caterpillars grow. Each caterpillar turned into a chrysalis and then a butterfly emerged a week or so later! We were lucky enough to get a close up look before they flew away.
We had a visit from Amey Zoo today. We saw stick insects, a scorpion, a tarantula, snakes, lizards, a giant land snail and giant millipede. We got to touch the animals and learn facts about them.
F2 were lucky enough to hold the chicks. They felt so soft and fluffy.
Eggs were delivered to our classroom! We got to watch the eggs hatch in the incubator! The baby chicks were very cute!
The chicks hatched!

We took the opportunity of an empty playground and had a 'Physical Friday'

We have been learning about Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of Chinese New Year and worked out that 2019 is the year of the Pig. We practised writing Chinese letters and numbers, making lanterns, tasting Chinese food and using chopsticks. We made paper dragons and watched the traditional dragon dance on the interactive whiteboard. We then made our own giant dragon and danced with it in the hall. We completed colour by numbers and ordered the animals from the story to say where they came in the race.

Take a look at our Dragon dance!

We discussed what we already know about dinosaurs and what we wanted to find out. We will become dinosaur experts by the end of this topic!
We have made our own props for our small world play

The children have been using their critical thinking skills with the guttering and stands. They explored how to get the cars to roll down a slope and what would make them speed up or slow down.
This week we had lunch at school for the very first time! We buddied up with the Y5 children who read us each a story. They were excellent helpers and really supported us when eating our food and playing outside on the playground. Thank you Y5!

Welcome to the F2 Class Page!
The children have settled in really well to F2 and we are really impressed with how hard they are all working.
This class page is a great way of you seeing how 'Learning comes alive' in our class.
Be sure to check our class page frequently to see what we have been learning about.
Miss Achilleos, Mrs Boyle and Miss Roberts