Year 2
Class News Letters
Well done Year 2 for all of your hard work with the nativity, you all did so well and were so brave for getting up on the stage saying your lines and your super singing!
Miss Gabriel and Miss Bates are so so proud of you all!!
DT Week.
The children had been making stockings for our DT week. The children loved learning about the different sowing skills, they were all great at sowing and the children were helping their friends if they got stuck! After we had completed our sowing they used the felt to decorate their stockings.
They all looked lovely, we are very proud of Year 2 for such great sowing skills!
Circus Skills Day!
The children took part in a 30 minute session, where they learnt a mixture of circus skills. Children were able to try the different skills and had the opportunity to explore these. Children were able to have a go at: plate spinning, tightrope walking and feather balancing.
All the children really enjoyed the day and were super at the activities!
Clay Chickens!
In our Art lessons we have been making clay chickens. We made them using clay and different tools! We used the tools to make the textures of the feathers and spoke about the many styles of chickens there are!
Once they had dried, we painted them the colours of a chicken. We spoke about the different colours we may see on a chicken - if they have speckles or not.
We are all very proud of how they have turned out! Well done Year 2.
Pizza Wraps!
We all made our own healthy pizza wraps! This is to help us write our instructions on how to make a wrap, which we will be writing up throughout the week.
We all had lots of fun cutting the peppers, spreading the tomato puree and eating our pizza's!
We spoke about how we can make our pizza's healthy with the toppings that we have.
We had tomato puree, peppers, sweetcorn, ham and cheese.
In English, we have been learning about instructions. What they are, where have we seen them and why it is important that instructions are clear. We did a range of activities where the children were in partners and they had to give each other clear instructions for them to complete the activity. For example we did, drawing a shape on a whiteboard back to back, hopscotch, putting on a coat or jumper, reading some instructions and seeing if they as a group can play the game of dominoes!
We had great fun doing these and found out that it is very important that all the instructions are very clear!

Wow! What a busy 3 weeks we have had!
In Maths, we have been working on recognising and ordering numbers. We have been having some fantastic mathematical conversations about why numbers are larger or smaller than other numbers. Additionally, we have been regrouping and partitioning tens and ones using base 10.
In Science, we have started our topic of Plants. We have planted our cress seeds in pots and have changed one thing from each group to see which plants will grow the best! We had a discussion about what a healthy plant should have and made our own predictions.
In our topic lessons we have been comparing farming of the past and in the present. In the coming weeks we will be making comparisons between farming in different countries.