Year 1
Three Little Cats - English focus
Last week in English wee wrote about the Three Little Pigs story. This week we are writing our own version of the story about Three Little Cats. We are trying hard to use our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in the correct places.
Teen numbers in maths!
We have been learning about teen numbers for the last two weeks in Year 1. We began by physically making the amounts with a Rekenrek and 10s and 1s. We also used Numicon and cubes!
Jewish artefacts!
Curriculum newsletter for this term
This week we have started learning about the Jewish faith in R.E. We held some of the artefacts and drew our own mezuzah. The children were amazed at the Hebrew text and how the Torah is written from the right side of the page to left handside!
DT Week - vehicle designing, making and evaluating!
In Year 1 this week we are designing our own moving vehicles. First we have planned how we would like our vehicles to look. Next we will pant our vehicles and lastly we will add wheels and adornments!
After this we will evaluate our creations and make suggestions as to how to improve them!
Jungle animal fun in Year 1 P.E.
In P.E. over this half term Year 1 have been learning different dancing techniques. Last week, we learned how to dance like jungle animals! We kept to the beat of 8 and moved and posed like our chosen animals!
FACT FAMILIES - Year 1's hot topic!
Year 1 have been learning about Fact Families this week. We have thought first about how to use a part whole model to represent a picture and then we formed number sentences using + and -.
Toys through the ages workshop at Bucks Discovery Museum
On Wednesday 13th November, Year 1 visited the Discover Bucks Museum in Aylesbury. In history we have been learning about toys from by-gone years. During the trip we made our own toy, held some old toys that our grown-ups may have played with as and well as talk about what materials they were made from - which was helpful for our Science learning too! They also explored the galleries in the museum and found a Victorian dolls house -there were lots of questions about why there was no bathroom!
Do you want to be like Year 1 in their animal dance moves?
Year 1 are learning to dance in our P.E. lessons this half term. We have been using different animals to copy and we made up a dance to the song, 'I want to be like you' form The Jungle Book film in our lesson this week.
How to make 6 in Maths Fluency!
We have been learning in our Maths Fluency lessons that six can be made in different ways using columns and rows. We made six in many different ways using our counters and a 3 x 3 frame.
Year 1's autumnal adventures
We have been looking at how the trees change in the change of the season. Whilst exploring what Autumn looks like in our school grounds the children noted the, 'yellow, brown and red leaves' as well as talking about how dark it has been in the evenings. They went back to class and painted a scene from the field that is in our grounds. This is springboarding our autumnal poetry for the week!
Part - Whole Models
We used hoops and beanbags to have a practical way to understand the Part-Whole Model.
Year 1 parent and carers Reading Workshop - October 2024
Find below a copy of the reading workshop we shared with parents and carers of Year 1 children. Please see the strategies we use in school and find out ways parents and carers can help their children at home. There were also two handouts which can also be found below.
This week in Art we have been developing different techniques around the theme of sketching. We learned how techniques in hatching, stippling, cross hatching, scumbling and blending. We also thought about how to fill the page in drawing our apples and sketched an outline of an apple. We were carefully using light, sketching lines to shape our apples on the page.
Sketching an apple!
Year 1's reading in English is really improving!
Each of the children carefully read a sentence from the story, 'Tip', and placed it next to the corresponding picture. This is demonstrating how much their learning in phonics is coming along - great job Year 1!
Number sorting!
In maths we have been learning about how we read and record numbers. We experimented with the digits, words and quantity of objects. We enjoyed sorting and ordering each category.
Starting Year 1 with some practical maths, experimenting with sentences and Child Initiated Learning (CIL).
Year 1 have begun the year really well by settling into their new routines quickly and calmly.
In English we have been using the story 'IT' from our Biff and Chip series. We have practised carefully reading simple sentences and matching them with the correct images. We have also tried writing the story again ourselves with images to remind us of what happened.
In Maths we have been learning about counting quantities of amounts. We have used cubes, counting animals, playing cards and much more to practically explore this concept.
In CIL we have enjoyed exploring the Read Write Inc. sound 'ee'. We have had lots activities around the indoor and outdoor classroom such as big 'teeth' to clean, ''wheels' to explore with our vehicles, baby dolls to help 'sleep' and may many more.
We also had our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting recently. Find the PowerPoint for this attached below for reference.
Meet the Teacher
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2024
In Year 1 we are excited to be covering lots of different aspects in our curriculum this term. Do have a look to see what we will be learning!