Year 4
Spring Term 2023
Welcome to Year 4! We love learning here and are led by Mr McKew and supported by Mrs Smith.
We have some great plans for this year - studying Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, learning about the world, looking at electricity and so much more! Stay tuned to see what we learn.
Key Dates
Thursday 1st September - Return to school
Monday 5th September - Meet the teacher at 8:45am
Monday 17th October - Friday 21st October - History Week
Wednesday 19th October - Parent's Evening (4.30pm - 8.00pm)
Thursday 20th October - Parent's Evening (3.40pm - 6.00pm)
Friday 21st October - Finish for half term
Monday 31st October - INSET Day (school closed to pupils)
Tuesday 1st November - Return to school
Wednesday 2nd November - Harvest Festival
Thursday 17th November - Flu spray
Friday 18th November - Children in Need
Friday 2nd December - Occasional Day (school closed)
Wednesday 14th December - Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day
Wednesday 14th December - Carol concert at St. Mary's Church - 6.00pm
Tuesday 20th December - Last day of autumn term - finish at 2.00pm
D & T Week
In class this week, the children have been learning and using D & T skills. They have been using saws, clamps and glue guns to create their own lightboxes!
Science - Electricity
This term the children have investigated electricity. Whilst learning about how to stay safe with electricity, they worked with wires, bulbs, buzzers and switches to create their own circuits!
Black History Month
In class, we have been learning the reasons that we learn about History and specifically Black History. We explored the life of Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Scientist, TV presenter and Author. We looked at her early years and how she overcame racism as well as dyslexia and became internationally famous. The children created a biography of her and then came together to work on a Class Bill of Rights ensuring fairness for all.
Verulamium Museum
Last Wednesday (12th October) the children of Year 4 took a trip back in time to the days of Roman Britain when they visited Verulamium Museum in St Albans.
After enjoying the bus journey, the children were ushered into the museum and had the chance to dress as Romans when they went ‘shopping’ for different goods in the Roman Market.
When that had finished, the children investigated the exhibits in the museum and discovered all about life in St Albans at the time of the Roman occupation. They looked at how the Romans changed Britain and how the influence us still today.
After lunch, the children visited the Hypocaust – pasrt of a Roman villa which shows a magnificent mural – and they imagined what it would be like living in such a gand house.
Time flew by and it was soon time to return to George Street. What a great day it was!
Science - States of Matter
In Science, the children have been learning about different states of matter and how they can change. We investigated the Water Cycle and experimented with different liquids to see how we could cause them to change quickly!