Year 4
History Week
During History Week, Year 4 deepened their understanding of The Romans by looking more into their lifestyles and hierarchy.
On Monday, we looked at how the Romans used Roman Numerals to communicate and their schooling. We made posters to show the Roman Numerals and then created questions to ask our parents.
On Tuesday, we looked at mosaics and who had them in their houses. We found out that only rich people had mosaics in their houses and the grander they were, the richer the person.
On Wednesday, we made some delicious biscuits using only ingredients that would have been available in Roman times. We discussed why honey was used and why this was a vital ingredient.
On Thursday, we found out who Boudicca was and why she was an important figure in Roman times.
We had an amazing time during History week and loved showing our work to our parents.
Poet Visit
We had a lovely visit from the poet, Pauls Lyalls. He shared some of his own work and then helped us to create our own poem in groups. We found out all about using words to bring colour and movement into our poems.
Brazilian Percussion
As part of Black History Month, we had a Brazilian percussion workshop. Marcus taught us how to play a samba on the drums, as well as teaching us all about life in Brazil. We learnt how fortunate we are because children in Brazil do not have as many opportunities as us. It made us feel very grateful!
Verulamium Museum
We had a fantastic day on our trip to the Verulamium Museum in St Albans! We started the day by exploring the Roman Hypocaust and then had a tour after the museum. In the afternoon, we went to an artefact workshop where we were able to handle and learn about things that were used in the Roman times. Afterwards, we left the museum and went to the Roman theatre and imagined what life would have been like watching a gladiator show!
Online Safety
We had a visit from two police officers in Hertfordshire who spoke to us about keeping ourselves safe online and about our digital footprint. They spoke to us about how to stay safe and away from dangers online, particularly focusing on computing.
As part of the writing process and our writing cycle, we spend time editing our work with our partner. This helps us to be able to hear someone else read our work, get advice and tips from one another about how to improve our work and make it even better! When we edit, we look for punctuation, spelling errors, ensure it makes sense and make our work even more exciting if we can! Editing also helps us to work as part of a team and build our resilience. We are learning to recognise that things won't always be perfect the first time round!
Melting Chocolate
As part of our Science unit on 'States of Matter', we investigated what would happen when we attempted to melt a dark, milk and white chocolate button using just the heat from our hands. First, we looked at the cocoa solids in each button and the milk powder and based our predictions on this. Then, we kept our hands flat, placed the button in and then observed what happened.
Number Magnitude
In Maths, we have been working on number and place value. This has included; regrouping numbers, ordering and comparing numbers and place numbers on a number line. When estimating number magnitude, we found that it helped us if we found the mid point and the quarter points. After positioning the numbers, we used our reasoning skills to explain our thinking and our justification for putting the numbers in those places.
Dare to Aspire
On Tuesday, an ex-professional rugby player named George Fouche came to speak to us about his life and his experiences. His message was to be resilient and never give up. As part of the day, we completed a workshop where we had to build structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Despite it being tough, we didn't let it beat us and kept going!
Welcome Back!
It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school and to see them after the summer break. We have enjoyed getting to know each other once again and have enjoyed school life returning back to normal. Keep checking our class page for further updates.