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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 4

Scooter workshops with World Champion Terry Price!


In the morning, Terry came to our school and told us about his life when he was younger and showed all of us his amazing tricks. He was bullied when he was younger because he rode a scooter. He begged his mum for a BMX but she said, “No.” He started scooting because one day his friend came to the skate park on a scooter. Terry had a go and he loved it. He showed us lots of tricks – including a back flip which he landed!

Just after lunch, Year 4 were split into to groups and each got an hour of coaching. We had to perform tricks and if we could do them, Terry would unlock ramps. There were four ramps. The first one was easy and already unlocked. We had to do a one-hand jump. The second trick was to jump holding the handle bar and the bar below. Then we had to jump and crouch down so it looked like we were sitting.


Kaelem and Archie, Year 4

Our Ancient Greece Workshop


On Monday 18th November, the children of Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed our ‘Ancient Greece Experience Workshop’. In the morning, they had a chance to hear about Athens on the day of the famous Battle of Marathon. They began by taking part in several different activities. They learned to make Greek writing tablets from wax, created mosaics, learned how to extract olive oil and make lamps – they even had the chance to act as doctors using different herbs and fruits to create various medicines to cure ill patients!


In the afternoon, they received an update from the Spartans (they wouldn’t help out at the battle!) and took part in getting to grips with different aspects of Greek culture. They practised and performed tales including Greek heroes like Agamemnon, Odysseus and even took part in a dramatic Greek dance. The children even experienced how democracy works and began to understand that only certain people had the power to vote for their government.


Finally, they enjoyed a feast celebrating Dionysus. There was bread, cheese, ‘wine’, apples grapes and olives to devour. Phidippedes ran all the way from Marathon to tell us the Athenians had triumphed over the Persian army.

It was an excellent day and really helped underpin different aspects of our History learning for lots of different ages and cultures – not just Ancient Greece!

Meet the teacher - details about the year ahead!