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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ

Year 2

Year 2

Welcome to Spring!


It has been lovely to see the children bursting back into school, ready to learn. Well done, Year 2! With Take One Picture Art Week and Take One Author Book Week at either end of the term, I think we are all ready to get the most out of this term, so let’s go!



Try visiting the Kids' Zone or the Research Zone.
Play games, and visit some helpful websites.

Miss Bunclark

Super Heroes!!!

Dragon fun during Art Week

Observing solid ice becoming liquid water - Ice Dinosaurs!

Our classroom displays and working walls.

Big Grammar and Big Maths, which we work on weekly in class. Crucial skills for Year 2s, so any extra practise would be welcomed.

Tasting vegetables for our Story: Oliver's Vegetables, and maths investigations