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George Street Primary School

George Street Primary And Nursery School

Where Learning Comes Alive

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  • George Street Primary School, George Street, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 5HJ


Giant 3D shapes! How many vertices, edges and faces does a cube have?

Some Year 2 targets for maths:


Double and half facts up to double 12 / half of 24

Work out times tables by counting in 2s, 5s, 10s

Add ten to any number– Yellow Addition award (eg 34 + 10 = 44)

Add/subtract and two numbers under 20 – Red Addition Award

Add and subtract any one digit number to any two digit number  - Orange Addition Award (eg 64 + 7) Yellow Subtraction Award (eg. 87 - 4)

Time: o’clock and half past, quarter to and quarter past

Coins: know what coins there are and be able to sort them and add them

Fractions: shade ½ and ¼ of shapes and find ½ and ¼  of quantities. eg find ¼  of 20

Spell the names of numbers one - twenty